Centers Ex Vivo Technology VivaScope2500
Pathologie numérique instantanée

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H&E-like images. At the bedside during surgery. Within 5 minutes.

Two lasers of different wavelengths create two distinct images, a fluorescence image and a reflectance image. Both signals are scanned simultaneously and are used to create pseudo-colored images. The device’s software uses an algorithm to translate the acquired image information into colors that resemble H&E.

Images courtesy of Dr Javiera Pérez-Anker.
Basal cell carcinoma; imaged with the VivaScope 2500 (left) and after H&E staining (right)

Instant Digital Pathology using VivaScope confocal laser scan microscopy
Workflow Instant Digital Pathology

En savoir plus sur le VivaScope 2500

La préparation et la coloration du tissu ne prennent que quelques minutes. Pour une portabilité facile, le VivaScope 2500 peut être installé sur une table mobile et ainsi utilisé dans différents endroits.

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