About Us - Overview

About us

Discover the world of VivaScope





VivaScope Superheroes

Motivated. Dynamic. Creative.

Our motivation is progress for medicine. Worldwide. We are actively involved in developing and advancing this progress – this is what our employees in Germany and America stand for.
One Team. One Goal. Let’s save time with innovative products & workflows.


History & Tradition

Tradition. Familiar. forward-looking.

What began in 2006 as a specialised department in the family business MAVIG GmbH developed into an independent, globally successful company that has established itself as an expert in the medical technology market. We present you the history of the VivaScope GmbH which is located in the heart of Munich.


Friedrich Walter Hänel founds F. Walter Hänel GmbH, later MAVIG.

Development and sale of the world's first in vivo confocal laser scanning microscope (CLSM) VivaScope. For the first time, an optical biopsy in real time is possible.

All images courtesy of Prof. Dr Elke Sattler, Dr Martina Ulrich, Prof. Dr Julia Welzel

Launch of VS3000 handheld confocal microscope.

Publication of the first edition of the S1 Guideline: "Confocal Laser Microscopy in Dermatology".

Introduction of the RS-G4 research microscope.
H&E-like images during surgery. Within minutes. Immediate results possible.

Introduction of the VS 2500M-G4 for digital frozen sectioning in various areas of application.

Images courtesy of Dr Javiera Pérez-Anker.
Basal cell carcinoma; imaged with the VivaScope 2500 (left) and after H&E staining (right)

Development of urology as a field of application.
VivaScope GmbH

Sales Partner

We do not master the daily challenges alone, because we are actively supported by our sales partners all over the world in the distribution and training of our products. With great gratefulness, we would like to introduce you to our sales partners.


Work at VivaScope


Our confocal laser scanning microscopes are used worldwide. In clinics, medical practices, laboratories. – The versatility of our application areas for VivaScope products is also reflected in your career opportunities. Whether sales, It, administration, product management, service – we offer perspectives with a future.

News & Blog from Europe

Always be up to date – In our news and blog section you will always be the first to know about news around VivaScope from Europe. You will also find exciting blog articles on many different topics. Curious? Then read in.


Take the opportunity to learn more about our products at the various trade shows and congresses around the world. You can see our participation here. We are looking forward to your visit at our booth.