Instant Optical Evaluation - VivaScope 1500

The VivaScope 1500

The VivaScope 1500 is a confocal laser scan microscope and well-suited for a wide variety of medical and cosmetic applications.

Ideal for lesions on the body

Get complete lesion images

Compare pictures over time

Easy to use (delegation possible)


The VivaScope 1500 offers physicians, clinicians as well as medical and cosmetic researchers the possibility to non-invasively examine skin In Vivo, at cellular resolution and in real time.The VivaScope 1500 provides a non-invasive view into the epidermis all the way down to the superficial dermis. A near-infrared laser (830 nm) penetrates the superficial layers and is reflected by components of the skin.

Compare skin pictures over time. See changes immediately.

Excellent comparability of images to examine treatment over time beneath the skin. In addition, it’s is perfect for cosmetic and medical research.

All images courtesy of Prof. Giovanni Pellacani, Prof. Dr Elke Sattler, Dr Martina Ulrich, Prof. Dr Julia Welzel

Delegate easily. And save time.

The easy, fast and simple handling allows you to delegate the examination to your clinic or practice staff.

Ideal for standardized routine.

The VivaScope 1500 is perfect for melanocitic and non-melanocitic lesions on the body. For your every day routine.

Intuitively movable scan head. And a perfect fixation the same time.

The VivaScope 1500 allows you to easily examine your patients in everyday work. With the intuitively movable scan head, you fix it in the perfect position. In this way, it supports you during the examination.