The VivaScope products are successfully used for research. For example our in vivo microscope VivaScope 1500/3000 is perfect for skin research. Our VivaScope 2500 analyses fresh tissue (Ex Vivo) and our research confocal microscope RS-G5 is perfect for in-vitro. Make progress in your daily research by using our technologies.
VivaScopes reveal cellular details of the epidermis and upper dermis without affecting the tissue. Progression of diseases and healing can be monitored over time and effects of pharmaceuticals can be tested.
The cosmetic and pharmacy industry have used VivaScope devices in numerous different research fields. The big advantage of the non-invasive technology is the possibility of monitoring the effects of substances over time without affecting the tissue. Even subtle changes in skin property can be measured precisely and documented. Several companies and research organisations from the cosmetics and pharmaceutical industry have been working with VivaScope devices for many years.
The innovative RS-G4 confocal microscope was specifically developed to scan unprecedented large areas (Mosaic Scans) at an amazing speed, while maintaining a high resolution. RS-G4 opens up new imaging possibilities! For Example: it is possible to scan a maximum area of 120 mm x 80 mm and use a maximum Z-Depth of 6 mm.